Creativity can't survive if its locked in a box...

Mass Communications Major.Tennessee State University.Producer.Creative.Motivational.Visionary.Thinker.Always myself...Just keeping you updated on myself & my projects.Its a big world, but we are all connected.Let's share some ideas..

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Friday, August 27, 2010

"Smooth Off" feat Diddy & Aziz Ansari

This video proves why Diddy is my role model (lol) great concept, directing & shooting style. I have to admit Diddy is actually a decent actor in my book, still room for improvement, but he is headed in the right direction. Aziz Ansari, is just funny period.

All you marketing guru's and promotion heads, take note. Do things differently. Hell, I'd buy a bottle just because of this (lol)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One of my favorite A Different World Episodes

Just felt like posting one of my favorite shows from A Different World, it had such a impact on me from the first time I saw it years ago as a young teen. The message was so strong and direct. Yet the irony of it all seemed to be captured so well...

If you haven't seen this one, it is definitely one to watch, (not the full episode)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Janelle Monae - Cold War

So, if you don't already know...I've become a Janella Monae' fan. I continuously say this but her music is like "listening to a movie". Even though this video is VERY simple as far as production, it still deserves a nod from me for its simple yet artistic and effective purpose. Great job!

Kanye West Power

Just checked out the video for Kanye West's Power, its actually very visually appealing. The director made great work of capturing the entire feel of that era. Don't ask me about the messages that are being portrayed though I have my own viewpoint though & I actually read and article from the artist who did the video, but I already know somebody has cooked up some demonic meaning or the ever illusive illuminati talk (lol)has begun, all in all great vid.